I will send a questionnaire, food dairy and consent form to a client before the 1st consultation, it is really helpful and time-saving if the forms can be completed and returned prior to the first appointment.
The first consultation lasts approximately 1.15-1.30 hrs.
At the 1st consultation we will spend time talking about your present diet, your current and past medical history and life history, and any symptoms that you may be currently experiencing. My aim is to investigate the root causes of your symptoms. We will discuss the aims of your health plan and how you will be able to achieve these, centred around your goals and lifestyle. We may discuss any laboratory tests that might be useful either through your GP or from private laboratories.
I will spend time researching your case further and write a personalised health plan just for you. This will be discussed further in your next session which will include food related advice, lifestyle related advice and health coaching. If appropriate I may prescribe supplements or discuss further laboratory tests that might be useful either through your GP or from private laboratories.
Each client receives personalised advice on:
- Specific foods they may need to increase such as fruits and vegetables or decrease processed foods
- Handouts on the benefits of certain foods alongside recipes making it easier to incorporate changes to one’s diet
- Supplements that they may require for short periods of time, and the reasons why
- Lifestyle recommendations
I may also recommend undertaking some functional testing; again this would be discussed in detail.
If you are taking any medication, your nutrition plan will always take this into account. Never stop taking medication without the guidance of your doctor.